Monday, February 21, 2011

Major Process on small things, temporary halt on big things.


It's been a few days since i've updated in any significant way. Not a whole ton to say on this front so far. the team has been super busy prepping for a rally in Missouri for the Rally-Tire team, so my car has to take backseat for the active race projects going on right now.

I stopped by the shop this morning to check things out, and its serious business over there now. I made use of myself as a human vice grip for a light-pod setup, but most of the work was well above my level to be helpful. It's hard to explain the confidence you have when you see real race cars in a shop you work with. craftsmanship, as well as ingenuity, go hand in hand with motorsport in way show based owners can't really understand.

Here are some Updates:


The car before me is currently in Chris Howards shop for its cage, so once it's done i'm going in. I'll upload a couple pictures of another Evo 8 for reference, my cage will be very similar. It's a 6 point cage with multi-point braces across the chassis, and welded A-pillars for rigidity. It's about as safe a system as you can have in these cars, assuming your seat and harness are properly attached and tightened.

In terms of prep, the car has been stripped completely, and is merely a tin-can at this point.

Motor: The head should be back this week from the shop, and My Turbo + injectors should be arriving soon, my turbo choice is a made-to-order combination, so it takes longer than an off-the-shelf turbo. I've also ordered new adjustable cam gears (brian Crowers) to replace the worn Vishnu ones.

The Vipec ECU order went through today, I don't imagine it will take super long to get that here, although it is useless until the other parts come in and we put the engine back together.

Suspension :

I'm not really messing with it too much, but a larger rear sway and some choice bushings have been ordered. I'm debating getting cash for AST4100 series coilovers, which are excellent, but I've been dealing with some family issues and money issues, so they may be shelved for now.


I picked up an OMP Targa steering wheel, (Super nice piece!) From HMS Motorsport on saturday, and it will be going in along with the FIA quick release hub. Also, I finally found a seat that fit! A crucial aspect people often overlook when building these cars is just ordering any old seat, not finding one that fits perfect. I spent hours sitting in different combos a week ago. My biggest issue is my large torso and super wide shoulders. The shoulder protection on most seats only went out as far as my shoulder blades themselves.

I finally found the only seat that really worked, the OMP HTE.


- Transmission needs rebuilding, will have to wait till after the rally event.
- Motor will likely be rebuilt as this is going on.
- Chris will likely be ready for my car about a week after the motor is done being built.

For those of you keeping tabs, thanks for reading!

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